*Just B Yourself*

23 agosto 2006

'Cause to love you means so much more

When I'm feeling blue
Nothing seems ok
I see her eyes and I believe I'll find a way

When I'm feeling blue
Things don't go so well
I see her eyes and I forget the tears that fall

When I'm alone in the street
And I'm scared and tired
For the first time in my whole life I felt desire

When I'm far from home
And I just don't want to be found
I run into your arms and they bring my feet back to the ground

'Cause to love you means so much more
When I need to cry you make me try
I want to die and ask me why
'Cause I can't fight no more

When I wanted to stop
When I wanted to fail
I saw your eyes and I believed there's so much more

So much more...
"'Cause to love you means so much more"
Esta música expressa tudo o que sinto por ti...
Feliz aniversário Jojo*


  • Recordar é viver e viver é amar,lembra-te sempre daqueles k amás-te no passado e principalmente ama as pessoas do presente que estão sempre ao pe de ti quando precisas!kuando os momentos passados são bons é dificil esqueçe-los e mesmo fechando os olhos o tempo não apaga o que se escreveu na areia em tempos...beijos someone

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 21:30  

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